5 Easy Ways to Fix the Error in Windows 10

5 Easy Ways to Fix the Error in Windows 10

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Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. First, i shut down the laptop after installation is completed and restarted it. But it gave me warning that i had to "restart" the computer in order to make graphic card work.

So when i "restart" instead of shutting it down, the endless loop started again for repair mode. It also says smth like strTrail. I am writing this answer in safe mode. In normal mode, it goes to endless mode unless i agree to install a previous version. Did anyone solve this. Even with the latest nvidia driver Have you solved it? I got this same problem yesterday and literally tried everything changing the nvlddmkm name etc.

Kind of sad that nothing works. System diagnostics told me everything is functioning well, too. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. I have the same question Report abuse.

Details required :. Cancel Submit. Edit: i found nvldmkm. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. LuizScruz Independent Advisor. Has any software been installed recently or has the equipment hardware changed? I suggest that you first try to access in safe mode and see if the error occurs. To access in safe mode follow the steps below: Turn off the computer using the power button; Turn on the computer by constantly pressing the F10 key; In the options that appear, click on Troubleshooting; Now click on Advanced Options; Now click on the Startup Settings option and click on the Restart box; Choose the Safe Mode with Networking option.

Each manufacturer has a different configuration to access the Troubleshooting screen, so if you can't, I advise you to contact the manufacturer's support.

If the computer starts in safe mode, it may be due to a driver conflict with third-party programs, among others. The mentioned error can also occur in some cases due to RAM memory failure.

So if the computer starts my first suggestion in safe mode, follow the guidelines below: Step 1: Access the website of your equipment manufacturer and by model, download and install all the latest drivers such as the network card, USB, chipset, Bios, among others. All these steps are done, and your computer can be recovered from the blue screen death.

Right click to rename it as nvlddmkm. Just type the name into the search box can be faster. Copy this file and Paste it to your Desktop directory. Now the blue screen problem has been solved, what you need to pay attention is to consider about the proper version of the driver you are using and ensure they are up-to-date to avoid the problem in the future. In this case, driver tool can be necessary for the better solution. With Driver Booster, all driver problems, including this blue screen death, are going to be solved with a few steps.

Are you planning to upgrade your old Windows version to Windows 11? You'd better check your PC compatibility is compatible with the minimum system requirements.

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